Bill Wagner's - The Entrepreneur Next Door
Team vs. Individual Orientation Test

86 questions, 20-25 min
Part 1 of 5

  1. I make an effort to be approachable to my team members.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  2. I can set aside personal goals to cooperate with others.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  3. I have trouble adapting to people who hold a different belief system from my own.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  4. I demonstrate a sense of equality and belonging when part of a team.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  5. I can help others reconcile disagreements.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  6. You cannot depend on others if you want to get ahead in life.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  7. It irritates me when others in my group perform better than I do.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  8. A team is most productive when its members do what they think is best rather than what others in the group want them to do.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  9. The following thought is typical of me: "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself!"
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  10. Delays before starting a group project irritate me; I feel I would get going faster on my own.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  11. A team member should be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the group.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  12. In the end, the only person you can count on is yourself.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  13. A group is most productive when its members follow their own instincts.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  14. Even when my ideas are clear in my own mind, I find it difficulty to express them to others.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  15. I resent having to share my good ideas with other people in my group.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false -only if I'm the only member contributing.
     Completely false

  16. I worry about whether other people like to work with me.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Somewhat true/false
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  17. I prefer making decisions after finding out what others think.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Somewhat true/false
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  18. I tend not to share my thoughts with my team members because I have trouble expressing them.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Somewhat true/false
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  19. If a team member isn't expressing him/herself clearly, it is difficult for me to understand his/her point of view.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Somewhat true/false
     Mostly false
     Completely false

  20. It seems the possibilities are endless when I work in collaboration with others.
     Completely true
     Mostly true
     Mostly false
     Completely false
     True -but I feel that way when I work alone as well.


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